UK Consultation - Plastic food packaging

The Society for Applied Microbiology submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee inquiry into plastic food packaging in July 2019.

The Society for Applied Microbiology submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee inquiry into plastic food packaging in July 2019. The Society's response draws upon insights from our briefing on the future of microbiological food safety in food manufacturing and processing, published in July 2019. In particular, we highlight

  • the role plastic has played in maintaining microbiologically safe food;
  • current research into alternative packaging materials and packaging environments;
  • the importance of keeping consumers informed, in an accessible and transparent manner, about the science behind the food products they are buying.

To ensure that innovation in food safety science is considered alongside other advancements (including those in food packaging materials), the Society calls for the UK government to explore ways to place the UK as a global leader in food safety research, including through Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF) initiatives.

To achieve this, SfAM recommends that the Food and Drink Sector Council liaise with the wider science community, bringing together researchers and practitioners from the food industry, learned societies, professional organisations, the academic sector, public health organisations and research funders.

You can download a copy of our written evidence below.