UK Consultation - DEFRA’s National Food Strategy

SfAM has responded to the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) call for evidence to inform its National Food Strategy. 

SfAM has responded to the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) call for evidence to inform its National Food Strategy.  SfAM's response emphasised various ways applied microbiology can combat issues facing the UK’s food system. Of those ways, SfAM’s response highlighted areas that Government should consider when developing its strategy, by calling for:

  • Support for greater collaboration between microbiologists and industry stakeholders in order to promote innovation and identify mitigation measures 
  • Support for cross-sector collaboration in microbiome research in order to further explore its application and endorse clearer regulation of microbiome research
  • Improve public awareness and education in food production in order to promote food innovation

This response drew upon SfAM’s Food Safety and Security policy series, which explores ways microbiology can provide opportunities and solutions for food security. It also drew upon SfAM's response to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee's My Science Inquiry, which highlighted the poential benefits of microbiome research.


View our response by clicking below.