Join us for the 'Power of Microbes in Sustainable Crop Production', a conference focused on the impact microbes have in crop production and our future food security. This event will be held at the prestigious John Innes Centre, at the heart of crop research in the UK.

Meeting the demands of a growing population, climate change, and the overexploitation of agro-ecosystems are all currently posing serious threats to aspects of global food security and sustainable land use.

These detrimental effects include:

  • a reduction in crop yields
  • a decrease in the nutritional quality of major cereals
  • lower livestock productivity
  • an increase in the prevalence of invasive crops and pests.

With Applied Microbiology International focusing heavily on the potential of microbes in helping advance work towards the key UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) for no poverty and zero hunger, this meeting will aim to identify better agricultural practices with a particular focus on the role of (and application of) microbiology in sustainable land use to achieve global food security.  We also wish to identify academic priorities in the field, which will contribute to our important policy work in this area.

The conference will gather UK-based applied microbiologists specialising in food security and sustainable land management. Through breakout sessions, attendees will evaluate the progress of microbiology-based solutions, identify evidence gaps, and establish priority areas. The outcome will be a list of three challenges ranked by their potential impact on improving food security. Together we will engage in policy discussions, foster networking, and facilitate collaboration.

This conference will take place on 27 October 2023, use the 'book now' button in the top-right to secure your place.


In addition, if you are interested in attending our sister meeting on the UK Crop Microbiome Cryobank project on 26 October at the same venue you can register by sending an email to

Dr Yvonne Pinto

Dr Yvonne Pinto

Eagle Genomics

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Professor Thomas Bell

Professor Thomas Bell

Professor of Microbial Ecology, Imperial College London

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Dr Fiona Brennan

Dr Fiona Brennan


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Professor Nicola Holden

Professor Nicola Holden

Scotland's Rural University College (SRUC)

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Dr Ashish Malik

Dr Ashish Malik

University of Aberdeen

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Dr Frances Ryan

Dr Frances Ryan

The Centre for Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions in Livestock (SEBI)

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Leo van Overbeek

Leo van Overbeek

Senior Scientist, Wageningen University & Research

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Professor Christine Watson

Professor Christine Watson

Scotland's Rural College

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Ticket type Early-bird (Before 27 Sep 2023) Full Price
Member £65 £95
Non-member £95 £125
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