AMI & MS response - Genomics

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society jointly submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science & Technology Select Committee inquiry into genomics and genome editing in February 2017.

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society jointly submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science & Technology Select Committee inquiry into genomics and genome editing in February 2017. Both societies welcomed this opportunity to highlight the crucial importance of fundamental and applied microbiology research in the context of genomics and genome engineering. The joint response covers key points raised by our members, including:

  • Microbiology has underpinned the development of many transformative technologies for genome sequencing and genome editing. Given appropriate support into building skills and infrastructure, microbiologists will continue to drive future discoveries.
  • Microbiologists are applying this extensive experience by using novel techniques to impact upon diverse areas including health and disease, agri-food, environmental science and industrial biotechnology.
  • There are regulatory, ethical, social and safety issues associated with microbial genomics that require the cooperation of academics, industries, government and the wider public.

You can download a copy of the evidence submission document below.