AMI & MS response - Ebola

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society jointly submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science & Technology Select Committee inquiry into science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola.

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society jointly submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science & Technology Select Committee inquiry into science in emergencies: UK lessons from Ebola. In this response, both societies highlight the vital role that microbiology expertise has played in the UK Government’s response to the 2014 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, and lessons that can be learned from these experiences to improve preparedness for future disease emergencies, including those identified in the National Risk Register of Civil Emergencies. The response also highlights the fundamental importance of microbiology to proactive research and development efforts in areas such as:

  • Surveillance and detection.
  • Understanding host-pathogen interactions.
  • Developing diagnostics, vaccines and antivirals.
  • Outbreak control measures.

You can access a copy of the evidence submission document below.