UK Consultation - Brexit and science

Applied Microbiology International submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee request for recommendations on the next steps required by the UK Government to preserve and continue developing the UK science and innovation base after Brexit.

Applied Microbiology International submitted written evidence to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee request for recommendations on the next steps required by the UK Government to preserve and continue developing the UK science and innovation base after Brexit.

Our response relates in particular to the application of microbiological science to issues of public health and food safety. UK microbiologists maintain a world-leading impact in both these areas, enabled by ease of collaboration with partners throughout the EU. To demonstrate this, our response focuses on two main points:

  • preserving the UK’s collaboration with the European Union Reference Laboratory (EURL) network, and
  • supporting the future contribution of UK science to EU agencies.

You can download a copy of our response below.