AMI & MS response - Antimicrobial resistance

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society have jointly submitted written evidence to a House of Commons Health & Social Care Select Committee inquiry into antimicrobial resistance.

The Society for Applied Microbiology and Microbiology Society have jointly submitted written evidence to a House of Commons Health & Social Care Select Committee inquiry into antimicrobial resistance.

The Committee is examining the successes achieved during the current UK AMR strategy period (2013-2018) and the key priorities for the UK Government’s future AMR strategy, due at the end of this year.

Key recommendations

The joint evidence submission sets out some recommendations for the new UK Government AMR strategy, including an emphasis on:

  • A strengthened, joined-up ‘One Health’ approach across human health, agri-food and environmental sectors.
  • A broader focus on addressing emerging threats from resistance to all antimicrobials, including antifungals and antivirals.
  • Supporting cross-disciplinary research and innovation on AMR, including through funding, skills, infrastructure and investment incentives.

A copy of our detailed response can be found here.